Confessions of a Meantime Girl
Is he only seeing you temporarily? Here's how you can deal with being the one before The One.
We had been together for so long and I'd imagined we'd end up with each other as he had already presented me a beautiful beautiful diamond ring (although thinking about it now, it might not have been supposed to be an engagement ring!). I never thought it entirely possible that my boyfriend would call it quits after eight years of being together. Imagine just how much it had hurt when two months after he was engaged to be married to his new girlfriend.
Stuff That Might Have Driven Him Away
1. It's possible that you may have done some thing to damage your relationship.
2. You took yourself for granted.
3. You wanted him to be most suitable.
4. Don't meet up with him more than half-way
Those who had comparable ordeals were shocked to find out they could possibly be substituted very easily. Just when you are convinced that what you have could be it, you get retracted down to reality and shoved into a heartbreaking nightmare. While you are busy practicing your Mrs. Right signature, your Mr. Right was apparently busy looking for for other other possibilities. To add more insult to injury, you learn that he has already gotten a ring on somebody else's finger. That's when it sinks in. He took your years of assumed bliss together for granted and still thought you to be his meantime girl. That hurts!
I've been there and have felt each agonizing pain. It was very tempting to rant like a lunatic and settle into old-maid-forever mode. Just remember that by treating you as his meantime girl, he has placed you in a relationship purgatory. Getting out of that heartbreak misery may be hard, but it gets easier everyday. Here's a list of five rules that you can repeat to yourself:
Meantime Mantra No. 1:
It is not you, it is him - live out and let matters inspire you that your suddenly single status isn't your fault. Assume that you're suitable.
Meantime Mantra No. 2:
I never really loved him anyway - it's better sounding and self-preserving, but it just might be true. Use enough sportsmanship and have enough confidence to bow out and send him on his way.
Meantime Mantra No 3:
This is the best time of my life - now that you've taken steps to understand your current situation and have analysed just how you got there exactly, the next thing to freak out about is "what now?" Now's a good time as any to love yourself a little more. Retail therapy is the best way to pamper yourself, go buy yourself something shiny, like a pair of diamond earrings UK maybe.
Meantime Mantra No. 4:
Someday is here and now - most women would want the man they are currently with to be The One. Do not lower your standards and settle, there are other men out there.
Meantime Mantra No. 5:
I'm so excited - not an easy feat to do, especially if you're still in pain. You, however, need to realize that this is a necessary thing to do.
Take away all of the baggage you're lugging around. Mr. Wrong may have left you with a lot of bitterness pain, you need to get rid of it. Forgive yourself for falling for the wrong person and muster enough courage and strength to also forgive the person who caused you this too much pain. You will learn that you have completely freed yourself from heartbreak hell.